In Which Our Heroine Leads an Expedition

29 December 2004

Today we went to Minnehaha Falls (frozen, how cool!) and the model train museum and the Conservatory. The Conservatory is always good, but they had a few more things under construction than usual. The model train museum, despite its misleading signage, was fine, but I wasn't mad keen. I'd gladly take Roo there, though.

Pictures will be forthcoming, but I've been too busy playing host to resize and crop pictures. Mark's side of the family leaves tomorrow morning, and then I'll have a bit more time.

I finished reading Kate Wilhelm's The Unbidden Truth this morning. It's the most recent installment in a mystery series she's been doing for awhile, and I like the way the characters have been going. (Long-term readers of this journal may recall my Kate Wilhelm fixation of late '02/early '03.) This was neither a mind-blowing new twist nor a disappointment that will sour me on the series. It was another good book in a good series. That was all right. I'm now reading Dorothy Dunnett's The Disorderly Knights, and very, very carefully, too, as the pages are falling out of the beginning of Pamela's copy, and I don't want to give it back to her any more fragile than I got it.

Dave and Lin (Mark's parents, for those of you in need of a scorecard) are taking us out to dinner tonight, so my achy hands don't have to cook. We're going somewhere Dave has been when he was here on business, so that ought to be interesting. I don't know why my hands ache, but they do, so I'm going to finish this here. Have a good New Year's. I'll talk to you next year.

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